Asari Wazuka

Northern Jina of Joshikosei
Way of the Resplendent Crane
Fellowship of the Travelers of the Great Earth
Steward of the Axis of the Court of the Prismatic Storm


Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Black and gold business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Wazuka has long mastered the ability to appear innocently beautiful and classically genteel while also severe and inscrutable, and her elegant confidence and silvered tongue only seems to make her more desirable
Supernatural Qualities: Indeed, she is not only lovely but virtually mesmerizing in the deliberate and methodical way she speaks, like a professional interrogator, or a spider turned into a person
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (innocent); Style 5 (ethnic); Perfect Liar, Soothing Voice

Demon Shintai Form
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 250 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Long braided black
Clothing: Black ethnic (yukata-kimono)
Supernatural Qualities: When Wazuka channels her P'o and takes on this demonic form, she sheds all pretense of humanity and reveals that inner gaki soul; skin darkens to a pale gold hue beneath a black kimono that forms, patterned with vile and unspeakable emblems of ruined flowers; her eyes darken to reveal the pits of Yomi Wan while her hair lengthens and forms into a braid on its own; the hair tumbles down her back behind two leathery enormous wings like a bat, which spread and beat, entirely capable of flight; when she does lift off, a long winding tail like a monkey dangles from her rear; but what becomes concerning to most are the fangs in her mouth and the nails on her hands that lengthen and harden to deadly talons
Traits: Appearance 5 (terrifying); Awe

“I wonder how good he would even taste with a heart so full of sin and lust. I'm tempted to cut it out of him.”


Date of Birth: May 16th, 1876
Home: Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan
Family: Asari Gaho and Nagisa (parents), Sadao (older brother), Ryoko (older brother), Hisato (older brother)
Second Breath: External Supernatural Trigger (Wazuka grew up in a poor farming family during the Meiji Restoration era of Japan, and her parents sold her to an Edo geisha house to stay afloat; but there were many kinds of brothels, and some were nothing but cheap cages full of young girls billed as innocent maiko apprentices but were really just sex-slaves; Wazuka found herself in such a place, used and ruined, until she caught an outbreak of tuberculosis in the cages and died; she awoke in some place just as awful: a hell-cage in a brothel in the Wicked City; terrified but also determined to escape now, she asserted herself and pleasured the demon guards to escape custody, and slipped out of the Hell by pretending to be a beaten-down slave humbly running her master's errands, until the Scarlet Path led her out), 1894
Mentor: Gosankyo Hana
The Test: Trial by Influence (when she dug herself out of her grave, mindless and ravenous, a local Mandarin Crane subdued and restored her; Wazuka discovered her body had been returned home, and she was back in Nikko, still a small town, but large enough to house the Court of the Old Man, an ancient and respected court of national spirituality; Wazuka found herself drawn to her savior's Dharmic path, especially the 8-Lotus Path, and began her studies diligently under her guidance to compensate for the life of sin she had been forced to endure)
Comrades: Hori Tamiyo, Matsuno Isaki, Ouji Eitsu, Rokuda Rie, Cooper Wise
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (during her Ré, she met other young gaki and together they formed a Wu simply called the Nikko 5, formed to harvest Urns around the countryside)
Key Event #2: War (when World War II fell, she and her Wu stayed domestic, working to waylay and repel both Gui Ren and Kin-jin who attempted to infiltrate Tokyo)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (after the war when peace came and a whole new crop of Hungry Dead arrived, Wazuka made a name for herself by embracing her path's tenets but always keeping an open mind, "young at heart", that wanted fresh perspectives; Running Monkeys came to respect her for this high Hun rationale)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (later, she was granted permission to study abroad in the Blood Court at Beijing as part of a diplomatic cultural hand-shake; due to old prejudices, however, she found herself shut out of most regular activity, and so aligned with Bamboo Princes who were still nominally Quincunx, but welcomed outsiders, even gaki, even if meant radicalizing each other; her studies attuned her to the lost wisdom of Mohism in particular)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (when the Nikko 5 regathered, she found herself eager to broaden her horizons even further, having secretly joined the Fellowship of the Travelers of the Great Earth while in China; both she and her sisters had new goals and a new style and approach, so with the Mandarins' permission and minor going-away gifts for the jina, they struck out for San Francisco in the US to bolster their Wan Kuei allies' Great Leap Forward)
Transition: Shift in Nature (but when she arrived, she and her Wu-mates felt inexplicably drawn to a chi'n ta, and this mortal mage was not even Japanese; Wazuka meditated and reflected upon this occurence, and came to accept it as part of her new approach to the world beyond Nikko)

The P’o

Appearance: In her mind, her P'o takes the form of Mount Nantai itself, ancient and unchanging, but rumbling with angry tremors anytime she sins or witnesses sin and does not act to correct it.
Trigger: Whenever she's shown disrespect from an inferior or anytime she's disrespectful or overstep her bounds.

Jade Talismans

Black (**)
Appearance: A pendant strung from silver, formed like an anti-cameo
Origin: Gift

Magical Artifacts

Parasol of the Nightingale
Appearance: A traditional wagasa paper parasol with a wooden shaft handle; the paper was dyed midnight black while decorated with beautiful silver bird motifs
Origin: Gift
Effects: 1) Grants a minor bonus to resisting sunlight damage (before any soak with Iron Mountain or similar abilities is considered)
Activation: "Protect me" whispered as a prayer in Japanese must be uttered while holding the parasol with both hands.

Significant Others

Names: Hori Tamiyo, Matsuno Isaki, Ouji Eitsu, Rokuda Rie, 1910; Cooper Wise, 2012
Nature: Erotic






Too Much Knowledge

Wazuka has devoted her life to serious scholarship and study. She yearns to broaden her horizons, but too broad of a horizon can dilute everything she knows, and importantly, everything she needs to know to achieve Dâh, which is, after all, her main purpose.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though that open-mindedness can be construed as a weakness, it also keeps her from the yawning pit of intolerant stodginess into which many Cranes fall, rendering them intellectually stiff and spiritually brittle.


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