Ke Nkao Vong

Akuma of the Southern Wind
Way of the Ten Thousand Screams
Tus Neeg Txhaum of the Bone Court

Servant of Gong Zhen, Lord of Treachery, Ruler of the Hell of Exquisitely Steamed Flesh


Height: 5'1"
Weight: 108 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Green, blue, or red ethnic
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Bright-eyed and healthy young lady of Hmong heritage; vivacious, charming, sweet, and faultless
Supernatural Qualities: The vigor of her health seems to radiate an unnatural heat from within, which reflects in an ungodly beauty that easily enthralls anyone nearby; her divinity seems revealed by the penetrating and fathomless blackness beyond the pupils of her eyes
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 6 (dreamy); Sanctity, Akuma

"Now, now, dear sister, don't spoil the dinner surprise."


Date of Birth: May 30th, 1856
Home: Tali, Yunnan Province, China (Qing Dynasty)
Family: Tsab Ceeb & Nali Sua Vong (parents), Bao Song (twin sister)
Second Breath: Personal Tragedy (A-Hmao farming family lived in southwestern China during Qing Dynasty; she and her sister both raised in traditional Hmong domestic skills; though animist like most Hmong, both girls were afianced to the young sons of affluent Muslim Hui families; then the Panthay Rebelliom broke out and everyone swept up; their fiances were slain, their own family butchered, and sisters taken as trophies by a fat Manchu general named Zhong Zhi, but he was later forced to execute them and slit their throats; their souls ended up in the Hell of Exquisitely Steamed Flesh and endured a year of torture by their skin being boiled off by an extreme sauna-like atmosphere over and over, flesh regenerated each time, till finally they escaped up the Scarlet Path as mere bones fleeing during a regeneration phase), 1876
Mentor: Lei Fang
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (rescued from being chih'mei by a Bone Court jina in Kunming who would become their sifu, as one of the few Thrashing Dragons in this part of the Quincunx; that Dharma appealed most to the twins, as it reflected their desire to live the life they never got; during their Ré, they killed General Zhong in revenge, slowly steaming the flesh from his bones and eating him alive; they ascended into full discipleship by demonstrating their pliable and obedient knowledge of the Great Principle and Dharmic paths, understanding the committment to Yang was not a committment "human" life)
Comrades: Bao Song Vong
Key Event #1: Treachery (despite their obeisance to the courts, both sisters hated the Han and Manchu Chinese alike, and the Quincunx for foisting its Chinese ideas upon them, and Yomi Wan consequently whispered in their ears for decades without them ever exposing this to any other Gui Ren, even as they trained, studied, and began to master the ways of chi and their undead bodies in preparation for conflicts with the Quincunx's enemies)
Key Event #2: War (in 1961 during the Chinese-Burmese Campaign, she and her sister were part of a Quincunx effort to claim more territory from the Golden Courts; the campaign was an abject failure and in the chaos, she and her sister were left for dead in the jungle)
Key Event #3: Treachery (Yomi demons actually saved the twins and won them over; they agree to serve the Yama King from whose realm they escaped, Gong Zhen)
Key Event #4: Treachery (over the course of many years, they endure the torments of akuma transformation, including being taught how to enter Yomi Wan itself and meet their dark lord, suffering not unlike what they endured as mere captives, and they were obligated to abandon their old Dharmic principles and take up "faith" in Yomi Wan, a faith that dared them to trust they would not merely be consumed and returned to Hell)
Transition: Shift in Nature (they knew if they returned to the Quincunx, they'd be examined carefully for signs of "Golden Court akuma treachery", assumed to be the devils they had really become, so began to initialize Gong Zhen's schemes to subvert the Quincunx abroad and fled to San Francisco in the New World, where Wan Kuei were already tempted and at risk)

The P’o

Appearance: Ke's P'o manifests as her father's voice in her mind, despairing that anything can or ever will become of any effort made whatsoever, so only vengeance (above all against the Chinese and the Quincunx) is worthwhile to pursue.
Trigger: Whenever she's leading others or others are acutely dependent on her.

Significant Others

Names: Bao Song Vong, 1876; Neithpraasa'tu, Kenndra Maanai, Jela Maras Bratovitch, Mehalia Zeta, Dang Huy Canh, Dang My Huyen, Anno Sayomi, Miracle Weaver, 2010; Kagura Sanada, 2012
Nature: Erotic











Bitter Despair

There is nothing for Ke, nothing for she and her sister, nothing for anyone at all. Even Gong Zhen's ambitions to become Demon Emperor: futile and pointless. Only satisfying her endless thirst for revenge provides any release from her nihilism.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very high.

She's already a willing servant of the Yama Kings, wholly fallen. One cannot be more corrupt.


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