
Game: This field refers to which organized online roleplaying game group the character belongs.
Elemental Souls: The link at the bottom refers to the nature of Elemental Souls as far as hsien magics are concerned. Note that only characters belonging to the CoLA (Coalition of Little Asia) game, along with related Fringe Troupe characters, will be described in this fashion.
Alignment: This is seen here for the simple fun of it. Consider it a big ol' "hell yeah" to the roleplaying game that spawned me, heh. It has no effect on my White Wolf characters' game systems or roleplay.
Birthday: The approximate date that the character was first played.
Status: On each character's statistics page, there is a field listed as "status". This means that the character is a PC, Semi-NPC, or NPC. A PC acquires XP and is played with the full intent to develop him or her as much as possible. A Semi-NPC still acquires XP but statistical development becomes much less of a concern compared to greater character development; Semi-NPCs will therefore not be employed in as many Storylines. NPCs no longer acquire XP and their stats are all but frozen; they do not participate in Storylines at all except as required by the Storyteller.
Power Level: I classify my characters with ten "power levels". Refer to this link (Power Levels) for definitions of each rating. A "?" means the character isn't completed yet.

Mummy (cont'd)

Game Interest: Mummy (2nd edition) instills an excellent and unique perspective on the curse of unlife. I prefer it over Vampire any day; it's not nearly as played out.
Game rating: 3 (1 least favorite, 10 most favorite)


Axelle Duval

Exposure to irradiated dark matter transformed this French cosmonaut on a level none expected or understood.
Game: SF-SoD
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Emanuel "E" Fremont

This Accursed must play out his sad role as a meta-messiah rebirthing time and again through sorrow and sacrifice.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Joreid Linidottir

Alongside Leif Erikson, she explored the world, but was betrayed and trapped in the ice, Accursed by the gods even should the ice melt.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Justine "J" Fremont

This Accursed must play out her sad role as a meta-messiah, rebirthing time and again through sorrow and sacrifice.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Kapahu Noma

She once reveled in the temptation of man, but the gods both blessed her beauty and Accursed her whimsy.
Game: HI-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Nikandros Thrace

Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ***** *
Birthday: 8/20

Ravenna Grove

An ancient druidess cursed for her supposed crimes, she finally feels some penitence, but still yearns for true justice.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Sibbe Starri

One of the last ancient pagan priestesses, the gods Accursed her for her failure to resist the Christians.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Terrence Leftley

Exposure to irradiated dark matter transformed this American astronaut on a level none expected or understood.
Game: SF-SoD
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Vadim Kolek

By accident, this bogatyr dragon slayer lives on through the ages contrary to the harmony of Gaia.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23


Anthemia Maniake

A Cabirus from the Byzantine Empire, she mastered alchemy in life, and masters it still.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Arkina Naroyan

As the last great Amazonian heroine, the gods dipped her in the flames of the sun, transforming her into a Cabiri immortal.
Game: DZ-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Benoit Galatine

In love and through faith, this former knight serves his queen.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Good
Power Level: **
Birthday: 5/20

Briseis Thanasi

Long a companion of the legendary Bellerophon, their life and death cycles linked, proving the bond of love surpasses all.
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 8/20

Callinia Acropolite

Once a Byzantine courtesan, she revels now in the immortality gifted upon her.
Game: HI-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Clarence Laurie

This sage’s snooping talents drive Clarence through the ages; they led him to the secrets of the Cabiri after all.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Daiva Vaiciute

The last pagan princess of an ancient Lithuanian king, she stole the gift of immortality.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Desdemona Zannalli

Bestowed by the gods with immortality for her oracular gifts, she has long sought to outrun her enthralled origins to live her own life.
Game: HI-SoD
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Dimitri "Bellerophon" Vasilis

Far greater than he would ever let on, this Cabirus keeps the qualities of ancient heroes alive.
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 6/10

Eleni Stratea

Awarded immortality by the gods, this Trojan princess survived her people's slaughter to keep the spirit of their courage alive for all time.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Eugene Vandenberg

For this Cabirus, immortality is a constant search for new inspiration and excitement.
Game: DZ-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: **
Birthday: 6/10

Faidra Zannaki

A relatively young Cabirus, she was given the Spell of Life by a sympathetic Reborn after falling in the Greek Revolution.
Game: DZ-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Hesione Zaneas

This ancient Cabirus served as an Apollonian priestess and bathes others in sunlight still.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Marcus Cocceius Nerva

Not all Reborn were pharaohs; this caesar may be more kingly than Horus ever was.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 8/22

Medea Miskine

Once a true mage of the Pomegranate Deme tradition, this talented Cabiri sorceress discovered and cast the Spell of Life upon herself.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Melina Omorfias

An immortal manifestation of Aphrodite herself arises in the froth of the ocean.
Game: HI-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Nicole Mountebank

An intrepid occultist of Late Renaissance France, this self-made Cabirus plies her shop of antiquities and curiosities in the eternal search for more.
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 2/22

Persephone Maraki

As the eponymous goddess herself, she helps guard the gateway between life and death, but she often takes an unscheduled vacation from Hades.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Phaia Vallou

The myth of Cleito, this ancient Greek princess has been trapped on an island for ages until now.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Roger Burks

The mysteries of Hellfire Clubs are older and darker than most realize, and led this epicure to the Cabiri.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23


Alixel Xaqab'ic

For the first time in millennia, this forever-wakeful Olmec princess emerges from her well-appointed tomb in response to the Mao'lung Exigency.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ***** ***
Birthday: 4/20


This Tlazopilli warrior was immortalized in order to keep the tombs of Mayan kings forever sacrosanct.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Coaxoch Eheatl

As a fabled ‘rainbow serpent’, this Tlazopilli tries to bridge the past to the future with the sages of today.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Eloxohua Xoco

This ferocious Tlazopilli takes delight in pounding would-be competitors and conquerors into dust with her bare hands.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23


An immortal hero of bygone civilization, Huitzilihuitl pursues true divinity through larger-than-life destiny.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Jixixit Qoxtok

As the face of the Jaguar Goddess, this Tlazopilli joins her Balam children to visit just wrath upon her enemies.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power Level: ***** *
Birthday: 9/21


This great king once ruled the Aztec empire, was summoned to sit with the gods instead of death, and sent back as Tlazopilli to restore his people’s glory.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Nellu Uetzcayotl

Ages ago, this warrior was given a sacred charge he has yet to fail: guarding the Aqua Vida, which turned him into one of the Tlazopilli.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Nochehuatl Nenetl

Posing as adventurer and scientist, this Tlazopilli protects the ancient pyramids’ secrets from discovery and exploitation.
Game: PM-SoD
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Teoma Cualnezcayotl

An immortal manifestation of Xochiquetzal herself soars into an exotic land.
Game: HI-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Profiles: Mummy (cont'd)

Elemental Souls