
also known as:
"Qetu the Evildoer"
"Khamyaamel, Nomarch of the Charnel Oasis"
"Kitrini Lepi the Mazebreaker"
"Mahisha the Horned"
"V'ie Tekiteki the Subjugator"
"Apu Qhury the Decapitator"
"La Mami Sirène the Despoiler"
"Ojo Susurrante the Souleater"
"Neith the Ten-Thousandth"

Child of Apophis


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 124 lb.
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Eyes: Gray or black
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Black or gold business formal
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Few mundane particularities are noticeable because of how overwhelming her physical beauty is: only that sweeter-than-honey ruby-lipped smile
Supernatural Qualities: Beautiful beyond reasoning: a goddess of ecstasy and fantasy, but with eyes of the devil, beguiling and irresistible—a succubus in the flesh
Accoutrements: Heavy jewelry, including some particularly archaic and fanciful pieces
Traits: Appearance 10 (enslaving); Succubi's Veil

"Oh, my dear, you have nothing to fear from me. I only murder people who really have it coming. Do you"


Date of Birth: July 28th, 3144 BCE
Home: Abdju, Kemet (Abydos, Egypt—1st Dynasty, Old Kingdom Period of Ancient Egypt)
Family: Narmer (Menes) & Neithtotep (parents), Hor-Aha (younger brother), Isi-oer (younger sister), Karumkhat (younger sister)
First Death: External Supernatural Trigger (as the daughter of the pharaoh who first united Egypt, who served Osiris, she was well-educated if spoiled, and secretly felt envy of her brother for his inevitable inheritance of the crown; Sutekh exploited this, choosing the beautiful princess not for the Embrace but the first answer to Osiris's Spell of Life, his own Bane Mummy servants, so he lured her into the dark night to a forbidden and vile temple, where she was promised power to unseat her brother who got to be pharaoh simply because he was a man, and the promise required her to die by being mummified alive; the torture didn't end there, as the Spell itself electrified life back into her body with sheer agony and her anguish drew in the real power behind the Bane Mummy, a dark spirit of hunger and desire infesting the dark spaces between her tiered souls, granting her a terrible vision of evil—evil greater than Set, and that evil described not as cold and deathly but a voluptuous and welcoming embrace and promised to envelope all the world in blissful nothingness: no pain, no struggle, no hope, and no real purpose beyond its own existence), 3119 BCE
Mentor: Sutekh, Chery-Benut
The Test: Trial by Wit (he commanded her to seduce Horus, which she did with a vile ease that would haunt Horus and plant that seed of darkness that would influence him for ages to come; but when Sutekh realized she seduced him for her own gratification, or at best the desire to merely corrupt the "pure" son of Osiris, and failed to enact his plan to usurp Horus altogether, he struck her down: thus, her first death was at her maker's own taloned hands)
Comrades: Jela Maras Bratovitch, Mehalia Zeta, Ke Nkao Vong, Bao Song Vong, Kenndra Maanai, Tsafento Akar, Dang Huy Canh, Dang My Huyen, Anno Sayomi, Komatsu Oniji, Uesato Yoringa, Core Bestia, Bryath Tarsician, Christian Nicasius, Carlos Valderas, Mateo Sabater, Hunter Roach, Miracle Weaver; Jaxon Maguire
Key Event #1: Personal Tragedy (she soon discovered that Bane Mummies' Ba-souls went straight to the Labyrinth and must figure out how to replenish their lifeforce in that heart of evil in the Underworld, requiring advanced necromancy to escape the black hole-like pull of utter annihilation; she struggled to resist the madness of Oblivion so close to the pulsing heart of that void)
Key Event #2: Treachery (over many years, she learned how to recharge her Ba by observing Destruction Harrowings of unfortunate wraiths there at the bottom fringes of the Maelstrom, and she even helped test those ghosts, some failing and some surviving, proving the irony of the Bane Mummy's existence as less an agent of petty evil and more an avatar of the foulest visions of true entropy)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (when she finally returned, she avoided Egyptian politics altogether, grudgingly accepting her brother and his descendants' rule, realizing dynasties would come and go while she remained immortal; she largely hid in a common tomb that she restocked as ample, seducing and suborning mortals in her vicinity to keep herself well off; largely she spent this time getting to know the dark spirit housed in her immortal body, this Bane called Chery-Benut; she found she had the upper hand and could dominate it, but it controlled the powers she relied on, and indeed possibly her very immortal existence, so had to placate it)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (Neith struck up this deal with Chery-Benut, to "feed" it souls of the seduced and defiled, while she pursued lives of obscurity to expand her esoteric and exoteric knowledge alike, as well as fulfill a perverse fascination with death—living mortal lives to their fullest and then experimenting with all kinds of different ways of dying)
Key Event #5: Treachery (the Old Kingdom dynasties turned in time, and while Neith occasionally involved herself in politics that risked her exposure to either Set or Horus, such as the occasional role as the wife of a nomarch, she larged avoided the Great Jyhad and similar struggles)
Key Event #6: Treachery (eventually, she decided to risk exposure because she wanted to at least experience the life of a queen once, and so during the 6th Dynasty, she insinuated herself into the royal courts of Pepi II, becoming his consort; Sutekh learned of her return and seemed intent on destroying her, but she convinced him to let her be so that she could "do her work", and indeed brought an end to the dynasty and the Old Kingdom altogether by manipulating Pepi II into making worse and worse decisions that not only brought down his whole dynasty but shattered Egypt and gave Set the opportunity to regain full control)
Key Event #7: War (accepted once more among the myriad ranks of Set's dark forces, she honed her combat skills over the next few centuries fighting alongside the Setites against Horus and his allies; despite her intellect and compelling charm, she rarely served as any kind of general but rather instead as assassin, proving especially adept at sniffing out and stalking the Bubasti werecats, as if their toying with dark magic only acted as a beacon to a true servant of evil; they did lay a curse upon her, but she had no idea what it would do)
Key Event #8: Awe & Wonder (as part of her rewards from Set for cooperation, she lingered among the royalty, even marrying Neferkare VII and dying as pharaoh's wife; during that period of time between death and reincarnation, she experienced a grim vision of cats screaming in agony while the sun blotted out, implying a dark future where the guardians of good and goodness itself would end and evil would reign)
Key Event #9: War (so invigored by this vision, she threw herself into countless battles on Set's behalf, fighting, killing, and dying in numerous battles against the Setites' foes)
Key Event #10: Treachery (her earlier vague vision gave way to a more specific vision that revealed the Hyskos conquerors of Egypt were actually part of a Baali plot to usurp Egypt from both Set and Horus; she helped hunt down these "false devils" all the way back to Knossos; she communed with Chery-Benut to learn of the "divisions of hell"—the various kinds of demons around the world and universe)
Key Event #11: War (because of the frequency of her death and rebirths, the lack of a fully-recharged Ba would eventually catch up as her souls became threadbare, and her time lost in the Underworld grew longer and longer; it plunged her into the dismal conflicts of Malfeans and other dark spectres hell-bent on either using her or punishing her in their own struggles and schemes)
Key Event #12: Awe & Wonder (she experienced another vision that adjusted her diabolic purpose from corrupting the "innocent" to deepening the corruption of the corrupt themselves; her power in all the Arts grew, the better to defend herself against ancient vampires and ghosts intent on using her as their pawn in their pointless wars)
Key Event #13: Treachery (when she at least returned fully invigorated to life, she found Egypt well into the post-New Kingdom, in the hands of foreign powers—namely the Nubians and then Persians—and found that both the Setites and Osirisians had been largely expelled from Egypt; she adapted well to the "new world", adapting to new culture and customs so that she could better manipulate people; she became a kind of Osirirs ironically, gathering a mystery cult around her as a divine entity)
Key Event #14: Awe & Wonder (Neith stayed disinterested in the wars this go-around, focusing on her cult, reveling in it for centuries of lifespans, corrupting countless worshipers)
Key Event #15: War (eventually, during the 26th "Saite" Dynasty, the social and spiritual cancer that her cult seemed to manifest drew too much attention from the wrong party: several packs of militant Garou assaulted her cult compound in Sais; many soldiers unrelated to the cult were slain in unwitting defense, the cult itself was destroyed utterly, and she was slain—and Chery-Benut nearly purged from her being, which felt like it would have annihilated her entirely; luckily, the werewolves failed to exorcise the Bane fully and settled for the cremation of her khat, which merely delayed her rejuvenation that much longer)
Key Event #16: Awe & Wonder (two great ironies sprang from that loss: 1) the assault plunged the capital into chaos, opening the way for the Persians to re-conquer Egypt, further alienating both Set and Horus from their own country; 2) Chery-Benut was weakened so much that Neith felt in complete control and truly free to live her immortal existence as she saw fit for the first time, and lingered in the Underworld, gathering her strength slowly but surely)
Key Event #17: Treachery (she was lost in the Underworld for so long that when she finally emerged, Alexander the Great had already "liberated" Egypt from the East and fed it to the West; she had no interest in lingering in Ptolemaic Egypt, and she visited Sutekh one last time before blowing him off and leaving her homeland for the first time in millennia)
Key Event #18: Awe & Wonder (Neith began to travel all over the world, known and unknown, first visiting her neighboring lands in Africa, then back east into the lands of the Levant and Middle East, even north into barbaric Europe; always she evaded so-called heroes like the Garou, simply exploring and reveling in the world and a life that was her own, with Chery-Benut a sullen voice in the back of her head and no more)
Key Event #19: Awe & Wonder (as her voyages mostly across Anatolia and Armenia took her farther and farther East, she became increasingly aware of different comprehensions of Ma'at—spiritual harmony and wellness—as well as of Sekhem, the mystical energy that underwove all reality and powered all kinds of magic, including her own)
Key Event #20: War (however, her corrupt nature could not be denied, and she lingered in study at the feet of gurus too long in Southern Hindustan, called Tamilakam, during the latter years of the Sangam; the ancient Khan weretigers, from their Khanates, sent their warriors to destroy her; she nimbly fled but they seemed able to track her, thus revealing the age-old Bubasti curse that exposed her to all Bastet as a hated enemy; in her flight, she cursed the Khan in turn, even as the Tiger heroes drove her into the ocean, flaying her body and releasing her soul back into the Underworld)
Key Event #21: Personal Tragedy (no sooner did she recover from her demise at the hand of the Khan than did the Rokea of the sea detect her corruption and attack and eat her—experiencing a new kind of death, at least!)
Key Event #22: Treachery (months later, she returned from death again and literally burst out of the belly of the Rokea who consumed her, slaying him; but she actually made peace with the other nearby weresharks, and learned of Q'yrl, the face of Apophis in the depths of the seas, yet another true face of evil itself)
Key Event #23: Awe & Wonder (with no serious shapeshifter or other "heroes" to hound her, she voyaged again across Oceania, past Iabadiu [Java], with impunity, and even joined intrepid parties of Melanesian and Polynesian explorers as they took up sailing on catamarans across the Pacific in search of new lands to inhabit)
Key Event #24: Treachery (she joined Chief Hotu Matu'a for a short time in the discovery and first settlement of Easter Island; however, she corrupted their sense of whenua [Ma'at/harmony and peace] with an overemphasis and love for mana [Sekhem/power and domination] instead, confusing their desire to maintain the latter over the former so that the civilization would invariably collapse from greed and mistrust)
Key Event #25: Awe & Wonder (she left the Rapanui behind by catamaran, traveling across the ocean again with a small party of earnest explorers, riding unknown currents that landed them on the northwestern coast of what would become known as South America—southern Peru specifically—and she found in the Moche people of that land a civilization she could gather onto herself, and settle here as their ruler; her keen mind soon assimilated their language and culture)
Key Event #26: Awe & Wonder (so did Neith thereby shape what would become Inca civilization for centuries to come, even early on urging not only blood sacrifices but ritual cannibalism as she [and her Bane] herself required, and she came to be worshiped as a dark goddess and idol, which archaeologists ages later would refer to simply as the Decapitator)
Key Event #27: Personal Tragedy (though her influence was such that she even swayed the construction and architecture of temples and pyramids, she had usurped older native powers, and especially the native werecats, the Balam, inevitably came for her, driving her out of human society into the unforgiving Andes Mountains, wresting control of the Moche people from her influence, and sparking what would rise to become the Inca Empire)
Key Event #28: Treachery (she grew vindictive, petty, and bored, content to become known as the "monster in the hills" over the ages, hunted occasionally by heroes, Balam or otherwise, tormenting the spirits of the dead in the Underworld when she herself fell)
Key Event #29: Personal Tragedy (the arrival of the Spanish in the stroke a death knell for Neith's time, for when they boldly explored the Andes, among them traveled Franciscan friars whose unflagging faith in Christ—a religion Neith had not yet even heard of, never mind encountered, due to the millennia spent in the East—repelled her and the Bane within her as readily as any other "spawn of Satan")
Key Event #30: Awe & Wonder (she fled north across the isthmus and back across the sea, this time into the Caribbean, settling eventually among the transplanted slaves in Haiti—ironically finding herself coming full circle, for Setites had insinuated themselves in the New World among these Creole peoples; but this time, due to her great power, she formulated a voodoo-like mystery cult with herself as Lwa, and her worshipers were predominantly vampires themselves; so separated from the sleeping Antediluvian vampire they called Set now after all these millennia, they saw her as an incarnation of their dark lord)
Key Event #31: Treachery (by the 19th-century, the actual Setite lords of antiquity got wind of her machinations in Haiti and arrived to re-convert her to the "way of Set", some ideological set of principles they called the Path of Typhon; but she followed her own vision of Apophis/Tython and brazenly rejected the ancient brood, so they slaughtered her on the spot, dismantled her cult, and erroneously believed that with their own dark magic, sent her soul to the void, but her magical mastery prevented it)
Key Event #32: War (she returned and one by one dispatched each of these Setite Methuselahs over the course of decades and decades, settling to slay the last with a suicide bombing in 1977)
Transition: Victory (having, at least for now, thrown her ancient enemies off, she settled in California and the Bay Area, drawn by the proudly libertine atmosphere of San Francisco, eager to further corrupt "the corrupt" and feed both her demon and her own gluttonous appetite for gratification)

Magical Artifacts

Greater Talisman of Set
Appearance: A golden chain afixed with a series of glittering emeralds and rubies set in mother-of-pearl
Origin: Creation
Effects: Improve Manipulation
Activation: Merely wear it

Greater Talisman of Hathor
Appearance: A slender gold diadem set with a brilliant star sapphire
Origin: Creation
Effects: Improve Appearance
Activation: Merely wear it

Jewel of Anubis
Appearance: A gold brooch set with a perfect diamond the size of a thumbnail
Origin: Creation
Effects: Death magic ward, immune to being fully Withered
Activation: Merely wear it

Significant Others

Names: Ke Nkao Vong, Bao Song Vong, Kenndra Maanai, Jela Maras Bratovitch, Mehalia Zeta, Dang Huy Canh, Dang My Huyen, Anno Sayomi, Miracle Weaver, 2010; Kagura Sanada, 2012
Nature: Erotic











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