Ouji Eitsu

Song of the Shadow
Envoy to the Ebon Dragon
Bone Flower of Joshikosei
Jina of the Court of the Prismatic Storm


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: White business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: This young Japanese lady commands an elegance that seems to defy gravity; she all but floats across the world in beauty and grace, a measured joy she takes in delightful sips rather than greedy guzzles, and the secret smile she flashes almost seems to suggest that she'd like to share that wonder with you
Supernatural Qualities: An inexplicable contrast of light and shadow seem at play; for while she maintains a gentle reserved carriage, there is an unaccountable bouyancy to her step
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (slinky); Style 4 (street fashion); Eternal Cherry Blossom

Demon Shintai Form
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 200 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: none
Supernatural Qualities: If Eitsu channels her P'o and takes its horrid shintai body, she loses all pretense of humanity and assumes a reptilian humanoid shape that is tall and lithe, with a gaping and unhinged jaw filled with razor-sharp teeth and an unfurling tongue of great length and agility, limbs that end with suckering digits, and skin fading to a brown-green complexion like the outer hide of a lizard
Traits: Appearance 0

“I personally think we should let him marinate. He's much too worked up.”


Date of Birth: September 28th, 1888
Home: Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan
Family: Ouji Tametada and Uta (parents), Noritaka (older brother), Tokimor (older brother)
Second Breath: External Supernatural Trigger (Eitsu grew up in a poor family during the Meiji Restoration era of Japan, where she became a silk factory girl like so many others during this period of industrialization; the work was dull and she grew apathetic and weary of it; like so many other factory girls, she ultimately killed herself by leaping from a rooftop; to her horror, after the darkness of impact, she reawakened to find herself still falling, seemingly endlessly, from a skyscraper rooftop in the Wicked City; demons flew down around her plummeting soul, mocking and harassing her; she at last became determined to escape, so she asserted herself and offered herself as a mate to one of the foul bird-like demons, which accepted and scooped her up and took her down to its nest in sewer over-ledges to mate with her; once it finished, she managed to slip out of the nest and to freedom, slinking along until she found the Ebon Path up from that awful place), 1908
Mentor: Satou Satsu
The Test: Trial by Influence (when she dug herself out of her grave, mindless and ravenous, a local Mandarin Crane subdued and restored her; Eitsu discovered her body had been buried in her hometown of Nikko, still a small town, but large enough to house the Court of the Old Man, an ancient and respected court of national spirituality; she found herself drawn to the Song of the Shadow, as she still felt so cold and apathetic that the Dharmic tenets appealed most for the Road Back)
Comrades: Hori Tamiyo, Matsuno Isaki, Asari Wazuka, Rokuda Rie, Cooper Wise
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (during her Ré, she met other young gaki and together they formed a Wu simply called the Nikko 5, formed to harvest Urns around the countryside)
Key Event #2: War (when World War II fell, she and her Wu stayed domestic, working to waylay and repel both Gui Ren and Kin-jin who attempted to infiltrate Tokyo)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (after the war when peace came and a whole new crop of Hungry Dead arrived, Eitsu made a name for herself by embracing her path's tenets but always keeping an open mind, "young at heart", that wanted fresh perspectives; Running Monkeys came to respect her for the willingness to always "tell it like it is", to stay coolly honest, and to shatter delusions and pipe dreams)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (later, she was granted permission to study abroad in the Bone Court at Chongqing as part of a diplomatic cultural hand-shake; due to old prejudices, however, she found herself shut out of most regular activity, and so aligned with Bamboo Princes who were still nominally Quincunx, but welcomed outsiders, even gaki, even if meant radicalizing each other; her studies focused on testing her zeal for the ideological mysteries of the Black Metal Egg by letting herself be awash in the flood of humanity in this heavily populated city)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (when the Nikko 5 regathered, she found herself eager to broaden her horizons even further, having decided to test her resolve more by exposure to foreign ideas as well as people; both she and her sisters had new goals and a new style and approach, so with the Mandarins' permission and minor going-away gifts for the jina, they struck out for San Francisco in the US to bolster their Wan Kuei allies' Great Leap Forward)
Transition: Shift in Nature (but when she arrived, she and her Wu-mates felt inexplicably drawn to a chi'n ta, and this mortal mage was not even Japanese; Eitsu examined the situation coldly and analytically, and decided it still provided solid opportunity to understand the Road Back, and came to accept it as part of her new approach to the world beyond Nikko)

The P’o

Appearance: Eitsu finds her P'o taking on the form of a wild animal (not always reptilian like her shintai form), running rampant and in complete disregard for serenity and patience and anything resembling chill.
Trigger: Whenever anyone tries to order the character around or put her “in her proper place”.

Jade Talismans

White (*)
Appearance: A nearly pure-white flat oval disk of jade, smoothly cut and mounted on a silver ring
Origin: Gift

Magical Artifacts

Refolding Rice Paper of Manifold Creations
Appearance: A 25"x25" inch piece of rice paper that cannot tear (without a great deal of effort) and be refolded into different origami shapes
Origin: Gift
Effects: 1) Whatever shape she folds it into, it frightens any Yang or Yin-spirits in the area that fail a Willpower roll (difficulty 6); minor Gafflings and Drones are almost always automatically affected
Activation: 1) In addition to a successful Dexterity+Crafts (Origami) roll, she must expend 1 point of Chi; if she wants to frighten Yin-spirits, she spends Yang, and vice-versa for Umbrood; it does not affect Yomi spirits either way

Significant Others

Names: Hori Tamiyo, Matsuno Isaki, Rokuda Rie, Asari Wazuka, 1910; Cooper Wise, 2012
Nature: Erotic






Cracking the Egg

Eitsu knows she is a long way away from achieving enlightenment, but the Black Metal Egg always seems on the verge of cracking open in her mind's eye. She pursues that crack wherever it may lead, which seems to be away from a reasonable approach to the Dharmic path.

Likelihood of Corruption


Eitsu is cold enough to care about others so little that she may find herself beyond hope.


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