Duatnefret "Dymond" Liao-Shindashi

Rinji of the Coalition of Little Asia
Consor of the Court of Shooting Stars
Necromancer of Walking the Ebon Road


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 123 lb.
Ethnicity: Mixed (East Asian/Middle Eastern)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black or white business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: An incredibly beautiful and exotic lady possessed of a certain inexplicable sorrow yet phoenix-like determination
Supernatural Qualities: Readily blends into any crowd despite her beauty; her soft voice sets anyone at ease
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (exotic); Style 2; Arcane 3; Soothing Voice

"I may suffer. I may even die. But I will never just lie down and take it."


Date of Birth: October 20th, 1974
Home: Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Family: Amir Said & Lei Fen (parents)
First Death: Personal Tragedy (born in Egypt to two mages who fell in love, and proved herself a studious girl like her parents, Awakening in her early adolescence after solving a mystical puzzle box; tragically, her parents were then murdered by a powerful Setite cult and she was kidnapped; they brainwashed and ghouled her to serve as their handy-dandy true mage, and as she grew more beautiful, for physical satisfaction, nicknamed "Dymond"; but when the cult moved to America to pursue their conspiracies, they ran afoul of the Reitake/Hunters Inc. team and were slaughtered; Daitan took her under care, nursed her from her years as a ghouled slave, purifying her mind, body, and soul, and the two fell in love; they joined Nekoko's Little Asia courts, and worked diligently for years to improve their mystickal occult knowledge; she even had children with Daitan and married him; however, the hateful Shades of those Setites survived Final Death and lashed out at the Euthanatos-trained sorcerer, slaying her brutally and dragging her soul down to hell, and even Daitan couldn't intercede in time to save her), 2009
Mentor: Horus, Daitan Shindashi
The Test: Trial by Wit (Horus himself was drawn to her suffering soul as it sped through the nihils, lured by a prophesy; he intervened, obliterating those spectres, and he took her Ba-soul away to his Far Shore realm, there administering the Spell of Life while compelling her obedience with her True Name to serve the Shemsu-Heru, though he demanded only that for now she observe and report on the Little Asia courts to his Reborn)
Comrades: Daitan Shindashi, Rani Jivin, Ratna Gede, Vuai Radames, Thenemi Tiye
Key Event #1: Treachery (of course, Duatnefret agreed to the terms, it gave her a chance to be with her husband and children again, but she would never betray them to Horus or anyone else, and so planned to never fully spill the goods to Horus or his emissaries)
Transition: Shift of Nature (she returned to Little Asia and her family; Daitan embraced and welcomed her back, more than happy to help her deal with her new existence; her children tragically stayed fearful)

Magical Artifacts

Ring of Undying Love
Appearance: A wedding band affixed with rare blue diamonds
Origin: Gift
Effects: Act as a homing beacon for Daitan no matter what part of the world or even universe she is in
Activation: Wearing it is enough

Significant Other

Name: Daitan Shindashi, 2002
Nature: Romantic



Duatnefret has been tossed and turned, ripped and torn up, by the fortunes and misfortunes of her life. Her soul is tattered and threadbare. She's hanging on to hope, to love, but how much more can she stand?

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Though now a journeyer of death in a more literal way, she is still an honored and treasured member of the Shindashi family and the Coalition of Little Asia. She will not fall to corruption.


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