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Game: This field refers to which organized online roleplaying game group the character belongs.
Elemental Souls: The link at the bottom refers to the nature of Elemental Souls as far as hsien magics are concerned. Note that only characters belonging to the CoLA (Coalition of Little Asia) game, along with related Fringe Troupe characters, will be described in this fashion.
Alignment: This is seen here for the simple fun of it. Consider it a big ol' "hell yeah" to the roleplaying game that spawned me, heh. It has no effect on my White Wolf characters' game systems or roleplay.
Birthday: The approximate date that the character was first played.
Status: On each character's statistics page, there is a field listed as "status". This means that the character is a PC, Semi-NPC, or NPC. A PC acquires XP and is played with the full intent to develop him or her as much as possible. A Semi-NPC still acquires XP but statistical development becomes much less of a concern compared to greater character development; Semi-NPCs will therefore not be employed in as many Storylines. NPCs no longer acquire XP and their stats are all but frozen; they do not participate in Storylines at all except as required by the Storyteller.
Power Level: I classify my characters with ten "power levels". Refer to this link (Power Levels) for definitions of each rating. A "?" means the character isn't completed yet.


Game Interest: Mummy (2nd edition) instills an excellent and unique perspective on the curse of unlife. I prefer it over Vampire any day; it's not nearly as played out.
Game rating: 3 (1 least favorite, 10 most favorite)


Bennekheb Pet-ebar

She joins a coven of other Shemsu-Heru arcanists tasked with protecting Ra himself from Kindred malice.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Duatnefret "Dymond" Liao-Shindashi

Doomed in life, her Egyptian heritage drew the attention of Horus himself, rebirthing her as Shemsu-Heru, but her devotion to her mortal family forever lingers.
Game: CoLA
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: **
Birthday: 8/20

Hapi-u Pthah

Monitoring Hawai'i, the Shemsu-Heru theorizes about the esoteric qualities of a Trans-Pacific metaphysical crossroads.
Game: HI-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Hes-ra Entef

This Shemsu-Heru may boast mastery of ta-merriam when it was young, making her one of the very first martial arts masters ever.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Isiemkheb Kaphiri

Over the ages, time wore down the ambitions of the immortalized daughter of Queen Cleopatra, and she now serves the Shemsu-Heru with lukewarm interest.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 2/22

Jelani al-Houssam

Fearless and cunning, Jelani stalks Set’s Bane Mummies to one day annihilate them utterly.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Kafele-Asar Usi

Death is a way of life for the Reborn Dead, and Kafele monitors both sides of the Shroud for the Shemsu-Heru.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Karo-amat Raad

This Shemsu-Heru war-mage embraces the essence of Selkath in her deadly arts.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Khepri Salatis

Even after all these ages, this Shemsu-Heru is content in her lowly role as a royal masseuse and manicurist.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Meri Nebetnanu

This old Shemsu-Heru has long kept her fingers in many pies, providing material aid for Horus' agents around the world.
Game: NO-SoD
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Naunet En-nets

She joins a coven of other Shemsu-Heru arcanists tasked with protecting Ra himself from Kindred malice.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Neba Maata-f-em-seshet

Once a faithful courtesan of the royal court, she maintains fidelity to the Shemsu-Heru while uncovering the secrets of their enemies.
Game: DZ-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Renentii Arsino

This former courtesan of ancient Khem now puts her diplomatic skills to use for the Shemsu-Heru.
Game: PM-SoD
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Sapt Tef-au

She joins a coven of other Shemsu-Heru arcanists tasked with protecting Ra himself from Kindred malice.
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Seben Heb-i

While monitoring Macau, the Shemsu-Heru does enjoy VIP status at the local casinos.
Game: MC-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Subira Neb-aei

Using modern archaeology, this Shemsu-Heru investigator helps piece together memories for she and her fellow Reborn.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Ta-Ki-Uata Bak

This pharaonic queen prepares to assume an authoritative role in the Dominion of the God-House.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Thenemi Tiye

Many lives, especially of the Reborn, pass with little if any notice; Horus commanded her to be as Thoth and record the lives of all true immortals.
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Tutrasui Sinuhe

This Shemsu-heru sorcerer has fought an epic battle against Set and the enemies of Ma’at for ages.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Vuai "Tjahorpakhepesh" Radames

By order of Horus, Tjahorpakhepesh traveled to the Midwest to observe rising levels of alleged Setite activity, while he pursues his own material and mystical ambitions.
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23


Akhenaton Ur-Tor

By amassing a library of True Names, this Ishmaelite intends to one day rival Horus in sheer power and stake his own legacy.
Game: DZ-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Gararai Khu-oer

In a cult of necromantic Ishmaelites, she digs the tombs for herself and allied undead.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Hendaqu Bau

She is an Ishmaelite master of Naming, enthralling hearts and souls.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Iago Madu

Like many of Horus’ early ‘recruits’, this Ishmaelite never asked for the Spell of Life, and now spends eternity wandering the world.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Jahim Koray

Rejecting the idea that Horus, Osiris, or Set are gods at all turned this Muslim down the path of Ishmael.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Kenndra Maanai

She rejected Horus and Ma'at itself, serving her own petty interests, even if it aligns her with forces of Apophis.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Leila "Querti-ab-ma" Tisa

Just because Leila spurned Horus doesn't mean this Ishmaelite isn't doing her part in the war against Apep.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 9/21

Mazin Abdul-Nasim

Once an infamous Barbary, Horus tried to enlist Mazin’s aid to confront the Setites at sea, but this pirate proved too antipodal.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Merit Horemheb

Over time, her mastery of the heket brew has only reached epic levels.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Naham Harakhty

In a cult of necromantic Ishmaelites, she crafts the relics to be used on either side of Du'at.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Nebtawi Kosey

Having suffered at the hands of Bane Mummies, this Ishmaelite shamelessly hides from the wars of Horus and Set.
Game: NY-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Netikerty Shepsit

The daughter of Horus himself, she turned Ishmaelite as her father’s crusade became a heartless obsession.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Nishem Atum

In a cult of necromantic Ishmaelites, she masters devastating magic of spirit annihilation.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Ouei Men-tme

In a cult of necromantic Ishmaelites, she befriends the ghosts.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Safiya Sofh

An immortal manifestation of Hathor herself soars into an exotic land.
Game: HI-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Tabia Hagar

Scoffing at Horus’ crusade, the Ishmaelite revels in the immortal life forced upon her.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Talibah Etiq-ka

In a cult of necromantic Ishmaelites, she watches out for either meddling or potentially useful vampires.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Tamun Nep-ra

Thanatology is a dismal discipline, but one that yields many secrets to an enterprising Ishmaelite.
Game: NO-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Tena Ari-a-Anuket

An immortalized avatar of Anuket, she finds herself washed away in the floods of the modern era.
Game: DZ-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Utet Mer-sen-aki

Notorious among Ishmaelites, he both innovates and hoards magical amulets, all that he can find.
Game: HI-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Children of Apophis

Amunta Sesur-hat

If every Bane Mummy embodied a cardinal sin, this thief of creation would surely be envy.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Eopei Kakau

This vile Bane Mummy long ago proved an able general of Sutekh's forces and prepares to assault their shared foes.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23


One of the seven terrifying Bane Mummies, this 1st Dynasty princess oozes sensual cunning and burns with malevolent ardor.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ***** **
Birthday: 8/21

Quibilah Apries

Long has this Bane Mummy served as the de facto leader of Sutekh's cult, a high priestess and sorceress in his foul name.
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Tsafento Akar

The problem Set found with Bane Mummies was that they largely ignored his command. This one infuriated him most of all as he pursued his own path of evil.
Game: SF-DEM
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Profiles: Mummy (cont'd)

Elemental Souls