Power Levels


This page simply lists what the ratings roughly mean for each individual character "class" that I employ. People will swiftly note that most of my characters fall into the middle levels at most. However, I do have a few very weak characters, or powerful characters that have been around awhile (or I just fancied having at higher power levels, particularly if they're to be used as NPCs).


This ranks mages by their Sphere knowledge rather than Arete. Arete, however, is usually fixated close to typical Sphere rankings. For example, there aren't many Archmages with an Arete under 7.

    1. Apprentice (no Spheres above Rank 1)
    2. Initiate (no Spheres above Rank 2)
    3. Disciple (no Spheres above Rank 3)
    4. Adept (one Sphere at Rank 4)
    5. Advanced Adept (two Spheres or more at Rank 4)
    6. Master (one Sphere at Rank 5)
    7. Advanced Master (two Spheres at Rank 5)
    8. Archmage (three Spheres at Rank 5)
    9. Arch-master (one Sphere at Rank 6)
    10. Oracle (a veritable god and on level with Lesser Celestines; more than one Sphere at Rank 6+)


"Green" and "experienced" means the character has recently acquired that Rank and is fresh to the experiences and responsibilities of that Rank (and is less than halfway to the next Rank in Renown).

    1. Rank 0 (cub)
    2. Rank 1
    3. Rank 2 (green)
    4. Rank 2 (experienced)
    5. Rank 3 (green)
    6. Rank 3 (experienced)
    7. Rank 4 (green)
    8. Rank 4 (experienced)
    9. Rank 5 (elder)
    10. Rank 6 (grand elder)

Changeling (Hsien)

Either the hsien's Rank or the number of Wu Tan levels he knows dictates the character's power level. Whichever is higher denotes the character's Power Level.

    1. Rank 8 (or lower); 1 to 3 levels of Wu Tan
    2. Rank 9; 4 to 6 levels of Wu Tan
    3. Rank 10; 7 to 9 levels of Wu Tan
    4. Rank 11; 10 to 12 levels of Wu Tan
    5. Rank 12; 13 to 15 levels of Wu Tan
    6. Rank 13; 15 to 17 levels of Wu Tan
    7. Rank 14; 18 to 20 levels of Wu Tan
    8. Rank 15; 21 to 23 levels of Wu Tan
    9. Rank 16; 23 to 26 levels of Wu Tan
    10. Rank 17-20; 27 to 30 levels of Wu Tan

Changeling (Fae)

Kithain and Gallain have no easily designated "power levels". But due to their magical prowess, they can be distinguished in this fashion by how much sorcery they know. Although not listed below, mastering any Art ("Sorceror") automatically places the character one power level ahead of his standard due to both the status Sorcerors hold, and the power of mastered Arts.

    1. 1-4 levels of Arts
    2. 5-7 levels of Arts
    3. 8-10 levels of Arts
    4. 11-13 levels of Arts
    5. 14-16 levels of Arts
    6. 17-18 levels of Arts
    7. 19-21 levels of Arts
    8. 22-25 levels of Arts
    9. 26-30 levels of Arts
    10. 31+ levels of Arts


Wraiths are ranked pretty vaguely. Depending on afterlife experience, a Lemure could possibly be more powerful than a Gaunt. However, in general, as with vampires, age dictates both experience, knowledge, and raw power.

    1. Enfant (fresh)
    2. Enfant (experienced)
    3. Lemure (less than a decade old)
    4. Lemure (less than two decades old)
    5. Lemure (less than five decades old)
    6. Lemure (less than a century old)
    7. Gaunt (less than 150 years old)
    8. Gaunt (less than 300 years old)
    9. Gaunt (less than 500 years old)
    10. Gaunt (less than 1,000 years old)


Mummies are renowned for their seeming indestructibility. However, their true power lies in their potent magics. Unfortunately, despite their agelessness, the Reborn often lose memory of many of their spells between life and death cycles. It usually takes a fresh, new lifetime to regain mastery of their magical paths.

    1. Poor Memory (no Hekau above Level 2)
    2. Skilled magician (no Hekau above Level 3)
    3. One Hekau at expert level (Level 4)
    4. More than three Hekau at expert levels
    5. One Hekau mastered (Level 5)
    6. Two Hekau mastered
    7. Three Hekau mastered
    8. Four Hekau mastered
    9. Five Hekau mastered
    10. All Hekau mastered

Vampire (Cathayans)

Kuei-jin are simple to rate. Unlike most character types, however, this rating can fluctuate in the process of gaming. Even the most enlightened Mandarins can topple down the ladder from Dharma 6 or 7 to 2 or 3 in the course of a few weeks (a few weeks ripe with bad decisions, that is!). Because of that, age and experience must also play into this rating. Also, Dhampyrs don't follow Dharma at all, so they're judged solely by age.

    1. Dharma 1; less than 5 years old
    2. Dharma 2; 5-25 years old
    3. Dharma 3; 25-50 years old
    4. Dharma 4; 51-100 years old
    5. Dharma 5; 101-150 years old
    6. Dharma 6; 151-300 years old
    7. Dharma 7; 301-700 years old
    8. Dharma 8; 701-1,000 years old
    9. Dharma 9; 1,001-3,000 years old
    10. Dharma 10; 3,000 years old+

Vampire (Kin-jin)

The Kindred can be a little harder to define than Cathayans. Cainites' power is based ultimately on age. However, Generation has a say in that, too. In short, a character's age takes precedent unless his Generation (and also, to a degree, experience) rates him lower.

    1. 13th Generation (or higher); Fledging; 1-2 years old
    2. 12th Generation; Neonate; 5-20 years old
    3. 11th Generation; Neonate; 21-50 years old
    4. 10th Generation; Neonate; 51-100 years old
    5. 9th Generation; Ancilla; 101-200 years old
    6. 8th Generation; Ancilla; 201-300 years old
    7. 7th Generation; Elder; 301-500 years old
    8. 6th Generation; Elder; 501-1,000 years old
    9. 5th or 4th Generation; Methuselah; 1,000-5,000 years old
    10. 3rd Generation; Antediluvian; 5,000 years old+


Mortals are tricky to rate. It's fairly difficult to get an exact rating. Assume that "skilled", "expert", "masterful", and the others can apply to either Abilities or Numina (and other "mortal magics"). "Concept area" refers to a field of distinction. For example, a character could be a Master of combat, but he only rates at Power Level 6 if he only has Brawl and Dodge at 5. If he wants to be a true Guru, he'd need Blind Fighting, Athletics, and more at master levels. A lifetime's work, pretty much! Thus, mortals at Levels 8+ are either extremely talented individuals or (perhaps through magic) have lived very long lives.

    1. Less than starting level stats
    2. Starting level stats
    3. Experienced
    4. Skilled
    5. Expert
    6. Masterful (one or two correlated Traits at Level 5)
    7. Guru (all Traits correlated to one concept area at Level 5)
    8. Doubly-Accomplished (masterful in two concept areas or more)
    9. Multiple Master (equal to a guru in at least two concept areas)
    10. Legendary (just that)