Personality Sheet

This addition to any character’s statistical Trait listings is to help expand upon and clarify the character’s most more aspect: his personality. All kewl powerz and kick-butt skillz aside, this can help a player define more crisply just who his character is, and how and why the character does what he does. Some players may boast that this sort of “categorization” isn’t necessary for them, and that’s perfectly fine. Having observed at least minor inconsistencies in many players’ portrayals of their own characters, this serious roleplayer considers this as a helpful asset. And some players aren't so much inconsistent of the portrayal of their character, but simply very incomplete.

Career Class

Though this is related to Concept, it is not necessarily. Instead, this is a broad title of the overall group to which a character belongs, in regards to how the character "makes a living". Some characters may specialize in a variety of skills, but again this only refers to the character's primary concern in his life. The classes are as follows:

The Artist might be a painter, sculptor, writer, or any kind of crafter. A difficult life to follow in modern times, few people make artistry their full-time career. For most, it is only supplementary. However, the Artist lives for her work.

The Athlete excels at certain physical skills and uses them to provide for he and his family. This might mean competitive sporting, or athletic instruction. Professional martial arts teachers fall in this category rather than Teacher (see below).

The Criminal might be a delinquent pickpocket or mob boss, a prostitute or serial killer. Whatever the case may be, the Criminal makes crime her life. For her, for now, crime does pay.

The Dilettante does nothing but enjoy life living off of money given to him by others. Often rich due to parents' wealth and trust funds, the Dilettante dabbles in whatever suits his fancy. He is already economically set.

Law Enforcer
The Law Enforcer may be a police officer, federal agent, a Man in Black, or even a vampiric Archon. The law -- whatever law that may be -- is the character's life.

The making of money off of products made by other people (Workers!), the Merchant spends his life amassing as much wealth as needed and wanted. Whether a simple hot dog stand merchant or a corporation CEO, the Merchant is all about commerce.

The exploration and acquisition of the supernatural and magical power is the character's purpose in life. Whether an occultist or Awakened sorcerer, the Mystic dedicates his life to the unnatural and surreal. Many Mystics make money by running an occult bookstore, or are provided for completely by the supernatural family to which they belong.

The Performer, whether an actor, singer, dancer, comedian, acrobat, or anything else related, makes his living by staging and sometimes creating some kind of entertainment. Like the Artist, this can be a difficult field in which to land a real living.

Town mayor or vampiric Prince, the Politician is interested in the government, bureaucracy, and the intrigue that laces it all. The Politician is normally paid for his public services, but most have secondary mercantile resources at their disposal, too.

The Primitive has little to do with modern society. She seeks a simpler life, often abandoning urban centers altogether to live in the wild as men did millennia ago. There are few Primitives left in the world. Some primal supernaturals will follow this "career", particularly shapeshifters, and live off the land with little if any surplus wealth.

The Professional could be a doctor or lawyer, judge or nurse, accountant or banker, realtor or architect, a computer program designer, or many other things. The Professional is near the top of society, at least economically, but works in a demanding field, requiring much expertise and education.

The Scientist lives for hypothesis, investigation, and analysis of logical data. The Scientist pursues the ultimate "facts" of the natural world, subjecting everything in his field of specialty to close scrutiny. The Scientist may be a corporate lab-coat, a medical expert looking for "the cure", a psychologist giving normal people therapeutic advice, or a free mind living off of sponsorship grants. The Scientist, like the Professional, often requires much education. But not all Scientists will earn the decent wages Professionals usually do.

The Spy is all about information. The Spy infiltrates and sneaks about in places he's not supposed to be, learns everything he can, and then returns to some employer or master to report it all. The Spy does not engage with those he spies upon -- he's there for the information only. Most Spies are rewarded too well to want to risk their lives when all they need do is report it to the people who will risk their lives (Warriors; see below!).

The Teacher, whether a preschool nurse or college professor, a compassionate priest or vision-questing shaman, is all about the passing of knowledge onto eager minds. The Teacher makes her living off of this kind of career, and even if the pay is all but non-existent, it's the help she gives and inspires the hearts and minds of others that keep her going.

The Vagabond doesn't have a job and probably isn't very likely to get one. The Vagabond may spontaneously be a Criminal or Worker, but for the most part, the Vagabond doesn't want to do anything for a living. His career is wandering derelict, sometimes begging for money, sometimes living off of natural resources. Perhaps he just wants to see the world, or perhaps he's in so much trouble with the authorities he has to keep on the move. Or maybe he just hasn't had any luck working within "the system".

The Warrior may be a professional soldier or mercenary, a demon hunter or space marine. Most Warriors have paying sponsors. Others, like some demon hunters, live solely off of "public grants" or whatever they can loot from their enemies.

The Worker is the backbone of all societies. The Worker must stay reliant and dependable for the business for which he works to thrive -- and so to keep his job. The Worker accepts income often much lower than that of a Professional, and rarely has much ambition to rise above this status. They range from fast food restaurant managers to expert auto-mechanics. Persons engaged in Worker-like careers while obtaining the monies or education to become a Professional (or any other class) are not considered Workers. Workers are people who do these jobs because it's what they decided it's what they want to do for the rest of their life. And someone's gotta do it. We can't all be doctors and roleplaying game writers.


A character's drive defines how much and how hard he pushes to get what he wants and needs in any socio-economic situations.

The Aggressive character pushes at all restraints and never relents until he gets exactly what he wants. The Aggressive personality cares little for what happens to who he pushes over in the process.

The Assertive character is more socially acceptable than either the Aggressive or Passive persona. The Assertive person pushes for his goals, but not at the expense of others (unless the the persona feels they really deserve it).

The Passive character pursues his goals until he encounters obstacles (namely, other people) that resist his drive. He then seeks a way to obtain his goals by avoiding the obstacle, or even gives up driving forward in the hope that the obstacle moves. The phrase "Nice guys finish last" derived from the Passive persona of society. (This is false, of course. Some nice people are quite assertive, while some passive people are whiny jerk-offs!)

Social Activity

Social Activity is the category that defines the character's approach to basic social interaction. Note that these categories do not mean the character is any good at social interaction!

Though they may incorporate behaviors of the Extrovert or Introvert, Deviants are neither. They either desire social interaction but are too twisted to know how to do it at all, or they purposely deviate in order to irritate, frustrate, or frighten people off. Deviants have few friends, except like-minded Deviants.

The Extrovert tries to be as affable as possible, treating everyone as a potential ally or friend. This can be prove dangerous, as some people will seek to take advantage of an Extrovert's (apparent) good will.

The Introvert doesn't avoid people or friends. Instead, the Introvert treats everyone as a potential threat, gauging others' personalities or motivations before accepting them as allies. In this manner, they are more careful about who they allow to become friends. On the other hand, they pass up many opportunities to gain new friends or allies as a result of their hesitation and/or observation time.


Every character has some goals in mind.

Short Term
A character's Short Term goals are what he intends to accomplish within the next couple years. They can be divided in importance (to the character's motivation) by Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.

Long Term
A character's Long Term goals are what he intends to achieve within the time of his life, or within a few decades to a century at most. They can be divided in importance (to the character's motivation) by Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.


Almost every character has some view about religions. This classifies what religion the character may follow, or if no religion, what sort of "higher" beliefs the character holds. These religions will not be explained below of course! But a bit of further definition of the "higher", non-religious beliefs may be provided below. Some characters (particularly Asian ones) have a integrated mix of religious beliefs, so all beliefs that apply will be listed.

Afro-American Religion
This includes voodoo, santeria, candomble, and other religions deriving from West Africa and blended with indigenous and Catholic beliefs.

The character believes only that there is something greater than all that he knows. He just isn't sure what it may be, and follows no religious principles or methods as a result.

This includes most native, shamanistic cultures that worship nature and ancestors.

The character is only convinced that there are no higher religious ideals worth following. The Social-Secularist does not accept that there is any "higher power" except mankind. Science and society are the most important beliefs to this individual and believes the inability to falsify the existence of God disproves the existence of higher power..







The character simply hasn't given it enough thought to come to any conclusion.

This includes any or all Eastern or Western philosophies that may or may not be secular in the world-views that they encourage, but the pursuit of wisdom itself is practiced with devotion above even interest in philosophy's impact on society.



Though often quite different in practice, Wiccans and Neo-Pagans (as part of the New Age movement) frequently work and even worship together.


Almost every character has some thought about politics, whether they be mortal or supernatural. This classifies what political views the character espouses the most. These views will be explained only briefly below.

The character believes that a single ruler (sometimes himself, if ambitious enough) should take and maintain the reins of political power and authority.

The character believes in a state-controlled division of labor and wealth as equally as possible, or as based on a meritocratic measure.

The character believes in a government ruled by the consensus of the people's majority; this is accomplished in large societies through the election of representatives.

The authority of all persons is stratified by successive levels, and all power and status is derived from authority of someone greater, until one reaches a monarch figure or figures selected by their lessers. This was exemplified by the land-based feudalism of the middle ages, but feodality can exist without land claims (which was simply the economic basis of power, and the power may be based on another resource in feodality).

Nihilists and anarchists hold a rebellious view against all forms of government. Nihilists are refined anarchists, who view the dissolution of all government as the only element of concern. The consequences are well-known -- and desired, for the sake of entropy and chaos. Anarchists look beyond the dissolution of government, Most are intensely (naively, perhaps) idealistic and rarely recognize or seriously contemplate the consequences of a lawless world, in which freedom is suppressed by individual dictatorships of "might makes right". Anarchy so far has proven successful in small units (communes) but even they are subject to the rule of government in the nation in which their commune is situated.

Some characters may have no opinion or interest in politics of any form whatsoever.

This society is never seen on national levels anymore, but exists naturally within smaller governmental structures such as universities. A pedocracy is a state governed by the rule of the scholarly and educated. This is mentioned here because most mage Tradition Chantries are pedocracies, as are some other supernatural institutions.

This is the rule of the wealthy and capitalistic. By some people's account (especially disillusioned democrats, conspiracy buffs, and socialists), plutocracy is the true government of the modern world.

This is the rule of scientists, governing the state solely by logic and the analysis of data, and dedicated to promoting the common good through science and technology. The Union of the Technocracy isn't actually a technocracy in practice -- its governmental methods have more in common with socialism and meritocracy. It is the ideal of a technocracy, however, that drives the Union's thinkers and inventors to continue their work, even if only only provides the means by which to provide governmental authority to pure bureaucrats and politicians within the Technocracy.

A Theocracy is the rule by the religious leaders. This doesn't exist in the human world much today (few states beyond organized religious orders can be called theocracies). But shapeshifter societies are basically theocracies. Citizens are promoted more on a spiritual meritocracy, on their devotion to Gaia and the duties with which they were charged. Even the Ahroun generals of the Garou are more like the holy paladins of the Crusades than they are mere soldiers -- at least in word if not belief (which is all that counts for a theocracy, unfortunately!).


Sexual orientation is important to note as part of a character's personality. His or her reactions to attempted seductions, attractive characters, and romantic situations are based greatly on the character's preferences. This section covers whether the character is heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. It also determines whether the character is monogamous or polygamous. It does not state whether or not the character has sexual perversions or fetishes, nor whether the character is actually married or not.


This section just lists a few adjectives that accurately reflect a character's personality and purpose.

Additional Notes

Anything else the player wishes to note in regards to his character may be found here.