Sir Benoit Galantine

aka Benedict Athanase

Templars of the Eternal
Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Ierosolimitanorum (Errabundus)


Height: 6'1"
Weight: 188 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Short simple brown
Clothing: Black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Occasionally sports a standard trimmed beard; easy, relaxing, and disarming smile
Supernatural Qualities: Sense of anachronism or out-of-placeness
Accoutrements: Medieval broad sword often hidden under a wool trench coat, concealed revolver
Traits: Appearance 3

"Whatever you command, my queen."


Date of Birth: September 29th, 1572
Home: Epinal, Vosges, Lorraine, France
Family: Wilfried and Blanche Galantine (parents), Emma (younger sister), Rachel (younger sister), Gaston (younger brother)
First Death: External Supernatural Trigger (Benoit's family was minor nobility: his father a constable; when he came of age, he applied and was accepted into the Teutonic Order of knights based in Lorraine, excelling at military training and discipline, and distinguishing himself in the Religious Wars, as the Teutons joined the Catholic League; his valor earned him a special commission as a royal bodyguard, and he was assigned to Queen Margot Valois, whom he graciously and fearlessly served for many years, their relationship slowly budding as closer and closer friends, confiding her desire to discover the Fountain of Youth, until age seemed to claim her first -- only for her to return to him, once more young and beautiful, secretly a vampiress under the name of "Sebille", and he did not fear her change, and so she vowed to help him stay her bodyguard forever by finding a true source of longevity, and after several years of exploration of ancient European ruins, they discovered the secrets of the Cabiri and their Spell of Life), 1620
Mentor: Sebille Valois
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (no real test was administered, and Benoit never learned what it meant to be Reborn Dead from any other Cabiri or mummy; Sebille's impressive occult scholarship guided him alone)
Comrades: Sebille Valois
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (upon his First Rebirth with that successful Spell of Life, the knowledge of which vanished from their grasp by a triggered fail-safe by whoever left the knowledge behind, he devoted his eternity to his queen, and they shared magical and occult lore with each other, and he kept the mind to develop his power purely to protect her)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (over the years, their relationship deepened further into full-blown romance and adoration, and even when Benoit cycled into death, with Sebille patiently watching over his body, his Eidolon spirit praised and showered her with love from beyond the grave, and that returned affection served to hasten the restoration of his Psyche and return to life)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (many long years, centuries in fact, were spent effectively lying low in France and other parts of Europe on occasion, with neither he nor his ward having any interest in politics, mortal or otherwise)
Key Event #4: Treachery (he read the writing on the wall, and advised Sebille that they should leave Europe as the wars expanded and worsened, and they departed the Old World for the New, settling on New Orleans for its French Quarter, ironically getting involved in politics anyway: by funneling capital and sometimes direct aid to helping slaves escape the city and South)
Key Event #5: War (when the American Civil War began, the Sabbat used it as cover to try to conquer the Camarilla in the South, as well as targeted attacks on elders; a Wild Hunt stumbled across Sebille and nearly got her, but Benoit sacrificed himself [this life anyway] to save her, fighting on even as only his Eidolon spirit, and nearly suffering the Withering for it)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (Benoit and Sebille spent the next century in secluded quiet, with he as the epic silent bodyguard always watching over her in life and death)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (his last death was spurred by the Great Maelstroms that the atomic bombs all the way on the other side of the world spawned, and it served as warning that the Endtimes neared; with whispers of Gehenna in the night air, the knight doubled down on his oath to his beloved queen, no matter what she chose to do)

Magical Artifacts

Blessed Blade
Appearance: A medieval Teutonic broad sword
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Inflict terrible wounds on even supernatural foes
Activation: Wield it as a man of chivalric honor

Significant Other

Name: Sebille Valois, 1625
Nature: Romantic



As a man of honor, a genuine knight, Benoit is bound to his oath. So far, after centuries of faithful service, Sebille has not disappointed or betrayed him. But she is Kindred, so wait.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though his truest (and really, only) companion is a vampire, theirs is a bond of love that has withstood hundreds of years of trials and tribulations. Atop of which, he is a man of honor, who still reflects the once-ways of chivalry and knighthood. The Devil fears him!


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