Meiyou Ziwo

Third Eye of Typhoon
Empty Throne of the Whispering Typhoon
Center-Facing Disciple of the Court of Flesh


~She's a beautiful Chinese blossom, this young woman. Meiyou Ziwo dresses to impress wherever she goes. In professional situations, she's bound to be found in a conservative lady's three-piece suit with either a skirt or slacks. In more casual atmospheres, Ziwo favors a slinky one piece black dress. High heels are her preferred footwear. Her long, silky black hair is styled depending on her outfit for the evening. Ziwo also tends to wear jewelry of the finest assortment, including diamonds and pearls. A tiny yellow jewel adorns her forehead, the citrine-like gem seemingly imbedded there like a bindi dot. She enjoys colorful make-up applied in an artistic, attractive fashion, not gaudy or clownish. Lush lips often wear a pleasant smile. It's a happy expression that extends even to her starry brown-eyed gaze. And yet despite her sense of fashion and warm smile, her nose is held high. Ziwo appears unapproachable, hauty, even snobbish and arrogant. She must be happy because she's the cream of the crop...and definitely knows it.~

OOC: Appearance 4 (luminous)

(Demon Form) ~The fancy clothes is replaced with an austere black robe when Ziwo permits her diabolic form to manifest. The silk garment is inscribed with kaja glyphs written in blood that seems to sparkle with supercharged Chi energy. However, her change is more than cosmetic. Ziwo seems to fill out that robe with a stronger physique for starters. Her skin darkens to an ugly mottled green and her tongue lengthens and hangs from her black lips, as forked as a serpent's. A third eye blazes into life above her other two eyes and all three survey the scene with crimson radiance. In her demon form, she walks with a solid, certain determination. More imperious and demanding than ever, Ziwo is a harbinger of doom to the wicked and righteous unlike. No one can refuse this fate!~

OOC: Appearance 0

"Do I know the Way? Hope, virtue, judgement, truth, obligation, harmony, ascension. Yes, I know the Way."

"Where am I along the Way? I hope for ascension."


Blue Bloods

A privileged life was Meiyou Ziwo's since birth in 1978 and for future taking. She was fortunate enough to be born to a wealthy family in Shanghai. She received an excellent education from a private tutor and was quite spoiled in every way. Trust funds were established for her future in foreign bank accounts. Though a blue blood to the bone, Ziwo always wanted more. Perhaps it was because of how spoiled she was. According to Lao Tzu, the more a person wants, the unhappier they will be. But Ziwo never paid much attention to that ancient nonsense and neither did her parents.

For the Meiyou, expanding investments and capital was the most important. Their daughter's greatest use was to be married off to some other well-to-do family's young son. This marriage of convenience would cement a financial relationship as well. But Ziwo was smart and beautiful. She was not interested in some geeky number-cruncher like the one they arranged for her to marry.

So Ziwo began to sneak away and date a cool, handsome young man named Bo. Unfortunately, this young man was a member of the Sun Yee Ong Society -- the Triads. Though aware of his criminal affiliations, Ziwo didn't care. One could have called it childish rebellion against her parents' demands and expectations. She had fun with Bo for several months.

The Sin

Then things got complicated. She discovered she was pregnant. Her parents learned of the pregnancy when they found the pregnancy test strips reading positive in the garbage. They demanded to know who the father was. When Ziwo proudly told them, they next ordered her to have an abortion. What nonsense! This was their baby!

So she ran away with Bo. But infuriated at having to sever some of his connections in Shanghai, the gangster began to mistreat Ziwo. He abused her verbally and even physically sometimes. When she finally gave birth, the mistreatment didn't abate. Her love for Bo sank and with it sank her love for her own baby girl. Though she couldn't bring herself to kill her own baby, Ziwo no longer wanted anything to do with her…or her father. Filled once more with outrage and indignation, Ziwo took revenge against Bo. She wouldn't give the baby to the state, since it'd inevitably fall back into her parents' hands. Ziwo convinced herself that her spite and vengeance was more than just. So instead, she looked up Bo's connections to the tongs and sold the infant to the slave trade.

When Bo learned what she did, he was filled with a fury of his own. Her indignation paled to his murderous reaction. He leaped onto her and choked Ziwo to death right there in their bed. He dragged her corpse down to the river and that was the end of Ziwo: a well-deserved death for her petty, vengeful behavior.

The Hell of Those Who Sell Their Children

Likewise, Ziwo's soul descended to a well-deserved torment. She found herself in the bleak environment of the Hell of Those Who Sell Their Children. The place was gray and empty, a banal and desolate plain…until the demons came to haul her soul away for torture. There was nothing she could do to stop those monsters. They shackled and enslaved her. Ziwo was forced to act like the lowliest peasant, doing all sorts of menial labor. She was driven into the ground with exhaustion, never given rest or comfort. And it wasn't just physical labor she was forced to endure. All the possible horrors that would be visited upon the daughter were inflicted upon the mother. Ziwo was forced to serve the demons' every whim and amusement.

Finally, her broken soul crawled before the child-like Yama Queen, Bao Xing, who stood with the imperious outrage of a royal princess. Ziwo begged and pleaded for mercy, but Bao Xing did not listen. Before the demons dragged her back to torment, Ziwo summoned what little strength she had left. She moved to her knees, for who would dare meet any Yama Queen's visage levelly? And there Ziwo struck a bargain. She promised Bao Xing that she would make her eternal duty to send as many souls fit for this Hell to Bao Xing as possible. She would become an avenger of children. The revenge part interested Bao Xing less than the soul count naturally. To Ziwo's shock (and the shock of several other prisoners, who tried and failed to strike the same bargain), Bao Xing agreed! Ziwo was cast out onto the Ebon Path and the battered but ecstatic soul hurried back towards the Middle Kingdom.

Second Breath

Ziwo burst back to life and dragged herself out of the river. The frenzied chih-mei wasted no time, falling upon the first two mortals she came across. An unfortunate pair of dockworkers failed to complete their late-night warehouse stocking. Fortunately, they were legitimate laborers for the Sun Yee Ong. In turn, the Sun Yee Ong in Shanghai was a Scarlet Screen for the Silent Mandarins. The Wan Kuei quelled any Triad response and sent jina from the Flesh Court to find, subdue, and capture this new member of their dead society. The Shining Ice Guardians who enacted this duty had little difficulty, for Ziwo was scarcely a warrior, and even with demonic instinct she was no match.

Thus was Ziwo given a chance at self-redemption. She was restored to sanity and taught all the realities of the Second Breath. Ziwo knew it all to be truth, after all she'd been through. She also found herself soon attracted to the Way of the Resplendent Crane. Its teachings made the most sense to her. She knew her torment was due to a life of sin that the harm she did to her infant daughter severely punctuated. Ziwo was willing to do her best to make up for all the sin she committed with an eternal life of virtue.

She knew her mortal life was sinful due to her weak will and lack of self-control. She was too whimsical and paltry. Consequently, Ziwo never thought through her actions. That was another aspect of herself she intended to change. She would become far more aware of both short and long term actions. Ziwo had no intention to return to Hell. She would do right by her Way henceforth.

The Ré

So Ziwo devoted herself to the studies of virtue, philosophy, and astrology. Her sifu, a wise man named Hao Po, instructed her in the ways of Tzu Wei as well as the Eightfold Lotus Path. Ziwo memorized and took to heart all the other fundamentals of Wan Kuei society. She practiced a bit of kung fu, meditation, fasting, chi channeling, and a variety of things exo- and esoteric for five years. Ziwo also adapted to Hao Po's Empty Throne beliefs. She agreed with him that the most effective way to return virtue to a person or people at whole was through subtlety. After all, had her parents not taken such a heavy-handed way of raising her, perhaps she would not have turned out to be such a selfish brat.

Not that Ziwo really blamed her parents anymore. She was beyond that petty stage. There were plenty of failings within to see to first. And first, Ziwo knew she had to prove herself a capable member of Kuei-jin society. She passed her initiation test that included recital of law, written interpretations of Resplendent Crane philosophy, demonstration of physical adequacy, and the final test: a rigorous three-day period of fasting.

The Koa

For a few humble months, Ziwo served the Silent Mandarins (though never met them). She provided interpretation of omens and granted advice to her Court's allies. Sometimes she dealt out bad advice on purpose, to mislead her Court's enemies to ruin. Ziwo knew it was all within the path of virtue, for not everyone must succeed for the world to rise to heavenly bliss.

Yes, Ziwo would make an admirable Empty Throne. She put her charm and beauty to good use when persuading others of the wisdom of the avenues she recommended. Ziwo never looked back. She had no desire to see her parents or Bo. She had shamed them. She didn't even want to see her child, whom she maligned most of all. Thus, she was unaware that her daughter perished as many do in the harsh slave trade. But her daughter's spirit still lingered, and this hungry ghost was filled with spite and anger. It was seeking Ziwo out.

When the Silent Mandarins instructed Ziwo to go to America to aid the Great Step Outward, she accepted with a certain amount of distaste. America was a beacon of confusion and spiritual corruption. She feared it would hinder her Road Back. But she accepted her duty, knowing her ability to foretell the future through the stars would be admirably helpful. Especially, she reasoned, if she could confuse and disassemble the corrupt Kin-jin. So by order of the Quincux in 2005, Ziwo traveled to Centropolis, Missouri, where a small Wu was growing. Unfortunately, her daughter's spirit discovered Ziwo's departure and followed. No matter how hard Meiyou Ziwo tried, she could not escape her past sins. She could only hope to outlive them.

The P'o

Everything must know its proper place in the world. That includes Ziwo! She had and still has no right to misstep as she did prior her demise. And now that she is reborn as Wan Kuei, Ziwo possesses power. With that power comes authority and with authority comes responsibility. This woman's P'o will not tolerate deviance from her duties. On the other hand, it has zero patience for those who do not respect her authority. This Demon swiftly grows furious when faced with rebellion or denial. Ziwo realizes she's better off avoiding confrontation if she doesn't want her P'o running the show.

Whispering Typhoon (Wu)

When Meiyou Ziwo arrived to Centropolis, she was immediately appointed to the Wu of the Whispering Typhoon. Typhoon aptly became the nushi of her Wu. The Wu was instructed to be subtle yet active, slowly breaking down their adversaries' influence and strength and taking it for their own. They represent the Quincux's Great Step Outward here in Centropolis, and are in it for the long haul. For it will take many years to gain much on their goals. The Wu includes Mandarin Arun Markendeya, aka Diamond Silk, of the Path of 1,000 Whispers. Ren Hu, the Scarlet Fox, of the Dance of the Thrashing Dragon joined, too. The titles within the Wu are by "eye" and according to Dharmic rank. So Arun is the 1st Eye of the Typhoon, Hu is the 2nd, and Ziwo the 3rd. Together they will effect their goals and flatten all opposition!


A force of wind and rain, Typhoon embodies the principles of Yang and change, destruction and renewal. Like the Gui Ren he's graces with his patronage, he's far from home and the source of his power. Twister, a close totemic cousin, is much stronger here in the American Midwest. However, like his Kuei-jin servants, Typhoon resolves to be the subtle breath of a great coming storm. He encourages his Wu to be its envoys of wrath and wyld while recognizing the need for discretion…for now.

Self-Righteous Bitch

Ziwo seems to think her will, wisdom, and insight are non-expendable and all-important sometimes. Combined with her sense of "moral upkeep" in regards to her Dharmic inclinations, there are nights when Ziwo is insufferable. That may be typical of many Cranes, but it's especially true of Meiyou Ziwo. She was snobbish and demanding even before the Second Breath.

Likelihood of Corruption


Ziwo's nose is turned up so high that she can't really see the muck she's plodding through.


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