Princess Alixel Xaqab'ic

Banded-Eye Goddess of La Venta
Harvester of the Mao'lung Fragments


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 134 lb.
Ethnicity: Native American
Eyes: Brown (see below)
Hair: Long Rapunzel black
Clothing: Red or black business casual with a visible undershirt apparently made of gold leaf
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Thin scar or birthmark horizontal across her face from temple to temple, somehow even through her eyes
Supernatural Qualities: So sublime that many fail to consciously register her presence; fantastically, fabulously, and dreamily beautiful beyond words
Accoutrements: Heavy amounts of archaic jewelry of gold and blue sodalite; most of her talismans, hidden or worn
Traits: Appearance 9 (earth-stopping); Arcane 1; (Appearance score is due to two distinct magical artifacts that stack onto her natural stunning Appearance of 5)

“Purification is long overdue. I am here to collect what it is mine.”


Date of Birth:, 15 Ajaw, 18 Sip in the House of Tlaloc* (April 21st, 2265 BCE)
Home: Nochilotoch (San Andrés), Tamoanchan (Olmec Heartland)
Family: King Ah'Cilich and Queen Colelex (parents)
The Rebirth: External Supernatural Trigger (chosen for Spell of Life because she was a well-educated princess and it was expected that she could and would protect Chihulnin [La Venta] in its sequestered sanctuary)
Mentor: Votan
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (merely had to review expectations of new nature and divine obligations)
Comrades: Chaac, Kaxob, Cimil, Kaax, Ixtab, Dzacab
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (1st Cycle=10 Chuwen, 4 Sotz' in the House of Mictlantecuhtli -- 1 Kab'an, 0 Sek in the House of Tlaloc [2240-2174 BCE]: spent her first life studying and continuing her arts and crafts; her first death was a shock, because neither Votan or the Bolontiku were present to guide her in Omeyocan and never would be, and so she was forced to fend for herself in an eerie monster-filled Underworld, managed through meditation)
Key Event #2: War (2nd Cycle=1 Kab'an, 0 Sek in the House of Tlaloc -- 11 Men, 3 Xul in the House of Xiuhtecuhtli [2174-2083 BCE]: loneliness began to creep into her sequestered existence, but she spent this one in a fear-driven state of meditation and focus; her second death once more filled with ghostly monsters, and Chamiabac in particular took to hounding her throughout Omeyocan and beyond, and despair nearly drove her to miss her proper cyclic reincarnation time, and the demon nearly Withered her)
Key Event #3: War (3rd Cycle=11 Men, 3 Xul in the House of Xiuhtecuhtli -- 8 B'en, 6 Yaxk'in in the House of Tezcatlipoca [2083-1992 BCE]: in her third life, she remained faithfully interred, and dedicated her life to the mastery of the Patli [magical Arts] in order to defend herself better; in her third death, she was ready, destroying Chamiabac and driving off all other monsters, asserting herself as royalty ought)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (4th-17th Cycles=8 B'en, 6 Yaxk'in in the House of Tezcatlipoca -- 4 Ok, 18 Mol in the House of Mictlantecuhtli [1992-404 BCE]: over the next several life cylces, she focused especially on experimentation and mastery of magic; she also called out to the local [Olmec] people to periodically send her the most beautiful young men or women to serve and satisfy her; they watched over her Winklil [Khat, body] while she regenerated her energies, and also helped to rally defenders to protect the sanctuary and Chihulnin from invaders)
Key Event #5: Treachery (4th-17th Cycles=8 B'en, 6 Yaxk'in in the House of Tezcatlipoca -- 4 Ok, 18 Mol in the House of Mictlantecuhtli [1992-404 BCE]: yet over this period of time, she gradually began to forget about mortal life entirely, and as cultures evolved outside of Chihulnin, they all blended together for her)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (4th-17th Cycles=8 B'en, 6 Yaxk'in in the House of Tezcatlipoca -- 4 Ok, 18 Mol in the House of Mictlantecuhtli [1992-404 BCE]: indeed, mortals interested her less and less over the ages, and she made more friends among the spirits, including some wraiths, but primarily among the gods who would come and visit her, especially Dzacab, powerful a rain and lightning spirit)
Key Event #7: War (4th-17th Cycles=8 B'en, 6 Yaxk'in in the House of Tezcatlipoca -- 4 Ok, 18 Mol in the House of Mictlantecuhtli [1992-404 BCE]: in the middle of her 17th Cycle, the most serious intrusion on Chihulnin occurred: a Yum Cimil mortal shaman found his way there and tried to bargain and then force his way fully into her sanctuary; she resisted but lost the magical duel and was slain; however, she surprised him by striking from Zipactonal spirit in the Shadowlands and throwing him into the pit itself; ever since, she could hear what sounded like his wails)
Key Event #8: Treachery (18th Cycle=4 Ok, 18 Mol in the House of Mictlantecuhtli -- 1 Lamat, 1 Yax in the House of Chalchiuhtlicue [404-313 BCE]: she decided in this life to be rid of the [Epi-Olmec] mortals from Chihulnin's vicinity altogether, and employed powerful and insidious Xipil rituals to cause famine and drought, driving the humans away from their ancient heartland altogether)
Key Event #9: Awe & Wonder (19th-25th Cycles=1 Lamat, 1 Yax in the House of Chalchiuhtlicue -- 4 Lamat, 1 Wayeb' in the House of Chalchiuhtlicue [313 BCE-408 ACE]: Alixel spent the next several life cycles making new kinds of friends in the region, namely shapeshifters whom she viewed as children of the gods: Balam, Mokolé, and even Nagah weresnakes [she deliberately stayed hidden from curious Corax and nosy Nuwisha])
Key Event #10: Personal Tragedy (26th Cycle=4 Lamat, 1 Wayeb' in the House of Chalchiuhtlicue -- 9 Ik, 0 Muwan in the House of Centeotl [408-1546 ACE]: the Ilopango Volcano erupted in the middle of this life cycle, and while no lava reached as far as Chihulnin, the tephra buried the entire heartland in ash, yet her lifeforce instantly depleted to the very core, instantly slaying her and launching her into the midst of the resulting Maelstrom that shredded her soul and sent her spiralling into a mind-bogglingly long Withering, that she would come to view as divine punishment for her ending of the Olmec civilization)
Key Event #11: War (27th Cycle=9 Ik, 0 Muwan in the House of Centeotl -- 9 Ok, 13 Muwan in the House of Centeotl [1546-1637 ACE]: her souls' reconstitution process was unconsciously and agonizingly slow; Franciscan friars and their conquistadore soldier escort stumbled across Chihulnin while trying to exploring the "Tabasco" frontier more thoroughly, and disturbed her mummified husk that had regained enough energy to manifest the Zipoctonal, and empowered by the deathly energies of the pit itself, she devoured their despair and souls alike to hasten her refueling process, at last returning to life; their withered corpses would be ground up wholly as alchemical ingredients later and never found)
Key Event #12: Awe & Wonder (27th-28th Cycles=9 Ok, 13 Muwan in the House of Centeotl -- 13 Ak'b'al, 16 K'ayab in the House of Piltzintecuhtli [1637-1819 ACE]: though her life cycles were back on track, Alixel realized she had lost many memories of the past, and the elements of the earth were now wholly unresponsive to her magic; she chokes on ash if she even tries; she rebuilt her inner sanctuary at least but left Chihulnin buried under the ages; she also tried to reconnect with all of her spirit friends and allies of the past who she could recall, but none responded; she felt more alone than ever)
Key Event #13: Awe & Wonder (29th-30th Cycles=13 Ak'b'al, 16 K'ayab in the House of Piltzintecuhtli -- 6 Etz'nab', 16 Pop in the House of Centeotl [1819-2001 ACE]: after rebuilding her center, Alixel expanded her attention beyond, learning more about the modern world and its technological marvels, mostly from wraiths as the ancient heartland was abandoned and overgrown jungle; she came to tolerate archaeology in the 20th-century, since Chihulnin was warded with strong magic, while she continued to seek out her old friends)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (31st Cycle=6 Etz'nab', 16 Pop in the House of Centeotl -- motlatitoc [2001-? ACE]: her desperate searching inspired dark omens from Chihulnin itself, and she dreamed of a dragon she at first mistook for Kulkukan the Great Couatl but realized it was something more cosmopolitan, wherein it grants her a vision of Chihulnin's true and vital purpose, and it urged her to expand her own horizons since Chihulnin was well-protected from mortal scientists and tourists alike; while her sanctuary was safe, a group of New Age Christian syncretionists defaced some of the colossal heads surrounding Chihulnin, and she decided to track them down and follow them to their home while obeying this vision's behest, and the effort landed her in New Orleans)


Golden Shirt of Kinich Ahau
Appearance: A shirt of mail seemingly crafted from gold leaf and therefore surely is entirely ceremonial
Origin: Creation
Effects: Serve as weightless armor as resistant as kevlar
Activation: She must wear it at least partially uncovered

Jade Ikaj of Tuxtlas
Appearance: A primitive ornamental war-adze with a bronze haft and a broad sharpened (horizontal) head of jade or nephrite
Origin: Creation
Effects: Channel volcanic power to inflict terrible wounds
Activation: Simply wield it

Jewel of Yum Cimil
Appearance: A flawless faceted diamond that fills the palm of the hand suspended from a golden chain
Origin: Creation
Effects: Ward against death magic and protection against Withering
Activation: Simply wear it

Kunz Axe of Eztli Cache
Appearance: Not an axe at all -- a small hand-sized figurine of nephrite jade shot through with carnelian veins, sculpted into the shape of a human head with a jaguar's mouth
Origin: Creation
Effects: Detect and identify nearby supernatural creatures
Activation: Stroke the figurine's head and whisper the activation word in ancient Ch'olan; the red veins glow if such a creature is nearby, while its nature is transmitted to the user's mind

Mask of Yax Ahau Xoc
Appearance: An ancient Mayan mask of smooth malachite dimpled with esoteric astrological marks
Origin: Creation
Effects: Blend into the skin as if part of the wearer's body and enhance the wearer's physical beauty and regal gravitas
Activation: Wear it and utter the secret activation word in ancient Ch'olan

Talisman of Ix Chel
Appearance: A pair of golden armlets with minute and carefully etched Olmec glyphs etched into the metal
Origin: Creation
Effects: Improve the wearer's physical beauty
Activation: Wear them and utter the trigger phrase in ancient Ch'olan

Talisman of Yumil Kaxob
Appearance: A circle of the finest gold filigree, carefully entwined into a semblance of the trunk of the World Tree
Origin: Creation
Effects: Store additional Eztli (Sekhem)
Activation: Wear it. Be careful.


Names: Manny Ruiz
Roles: House Servant

Significant Others

Names: Jade, 2012; Esperanza Garcia, 2012; Kanika Tauaw, 2012; Amaya Lamb, 2012; Gemma Calabrian, 2012; Nekoko, 2012; Ric Carver, 2012
Nature: Companionship

Explore the Mao’lung here.

The Mao'lung Fragments

Amaya..... Esperanza

Kanika..... Jade

Gemma..... Nekoko


Time Is Death

Ancient. Powerful. Both blessed and cursed. An unlikely hero in the Endtimes soon to come. Alixel has emerged after thousands of years of faithful sequestration to a completely different world. While she has the presumptive goal of seizing an open sovereign and monarchical rule of La Venta (as if Mexico would cede territory to anyone, even a 4000-year old Olmec mummy), the vision of Mao'lung has revealed Chihulnin's true and terrible purpose. It is a living Nihil, a portal through this world into the depths of Xibalba and beyond, and therefore serves the same purpose as a black hole in the depths of space: a crushing vacuum. But Chihulnin filters and draws in only like energy -- that is to say, death energies. When the Endtimes dawn just around the corner, Chihulnin will be a vital vent against the great forces of entropy that might otherwise consume the world. And her job is to protect it, a job Mao'lung has warned she can no longer perform alone.

Likelihood of Corruption


While the modern world is exceedingly complex compared to civilization at the time of her initial sequestration, Alixel is well-versed in the tricks and games of the spirit world, while fixated on her purpose and destiny.


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* a wonderful date converter for the Mayan/Aztec calendar system